Shits in glitter

There are beautiful people in life, with ugly souls. Fact.

Regrettably life has a tendency to throw shits like this into our paths. Social interaction with them is the only time that I wish my parents hadn't brought me up to be so polite, but as I try to console myself, the meerkat wouldn't be picking a fight with me.

You know the adage "shit in, shit out"? Well it's a phrase that was coined to describe what happens when shits breed. While I've four decades of experience, my children are only starting out on their own journey.

My girls know bullying is not OK. They know it's not right to call people names. They know it's not OK to criticise the way people look, or talk, where they live, how they live, what they have or don't have. We gave our children boundaries. Not everyone does.

I can't protect my children completely, but I've been able to use their experiences to demonstrate how shits in glitter are still shits.

Of course we don't use the word shit - they're only 5 and 8. No, we use the word poo. Just with venom.


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