The bees are back in town

Yep, I said bees. You know, those furry yellow and black stripy fellows who bumble around like their moniker.

Except ours aren't flying. They're keeping me awake.

A couple of years ago, a colony of bees found their way behind the fascias at our bedroom window and set up residence. They weren't really any trouble - any that did end up in the house were patient while we caught them and set them free, although it's the strangest herding I've ever done. But as the temperatures dipped in the evening, they would start vibrating their wings to keep their babies warm. Depending on the ambient temperature, we would be treated to a pastoral symphony of buzzes or a full-scale rave. I found myself heading to work shattered because of disturbed sleep and then lying in bed waiting for the cacophony to begin.

We went off on our annual fortnight away and when we came home, the bees had swarmed. The sound of silence was immense and it took a fair while to adjust to it.

About three weeks ago, just as we were drifting off, the buzzing began:and so it has continued.

They say you don't know what you've got til it's gone. And perversely, you'll never know til you've experienced it. So too with life.

When you lose anything - a job, a friend, freedom, that period of adjustment leaves you mourning what you've known and sometimes, making you doubt your part in any decision.

Equally, unless you've tried a new routine, a new regime, you won't know how it can benefit you.

Sometimes in life we need a break: it could be a lucky break, a decisive break that we instigate or a broken heart or mind. It becomes a line in the sand and things change from that point on.

There's comfort in familiarity but it's not always good for you. And what suits some, won't suit you in the least. Stop compromising based on what others think, say or do. Be more bee - look out for your babies and when it's time to go, head off. A thank you is nice, but life isn't always sweet. A sting in the tail is inevitable.


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