Food snob

I'm don't think I'm a food snob.

I salute which? for their article (here) entitled The best and worst supermarkets of 2018. I'm a little thrown, as it's only February, but OK, how do budget-friendly discounters compare with heavyweight brands?

A survey of 6,800 members of the public in October 2017 rated Aldi, M&S and Lidl as the top three of the nation's favourite supermarkets, with Aldi knocking Waitrose off the top after a reign of three years. Not bad.

For years, we shopped on-line. We used to do the big shop with Tesco when we lived in our old home, and then Sainsbury's when we moved to the forever house (it felt like our new neighbourhood expected that). We did a fair bit at M&S (still do - always M&S date-night food) and would supplement with trips to somewhere convenient when the need arose.

Then it was Christmas 2016.

I love Christmas, even more since we had a family. We have two December birthdays, then our wedding anniversary, and then we're into the holiday season for sure. Our trees (yes, plural - 8 generally, I'll explain about that at some point) go up around my birthday, we do a number of family traditions, and spend our evenings wrapping the pile of presents I'd forgotten I'd squirrelled away, to add to the pile of presents we've already wrapped.

Our favourite time is Christmas Eve and despite being of British and Irish origin, we like to honour some German traditions on 24th December. Once I've finished my own, of ICING THE CHRISTMAS CAKE!

As an aside, it's usually around mid afternoon on Christmas Eve that my husband will announce "well, that's it for another year, it's a race to the bottom now" and make hang-dog faces when any Christmas milestone is passed (the last present he opens, the main meal he's half-way through).

These traditions then - well, the most popular in our family is, without doubt, stollen. And Aldi and Lidl do the best stollen we've tried (in this country), so we already had the annual pilgrimage planned. But we did pretty much the whole Christmas food shop there.

For a little while I didn't mention that this was where I shopped. But actually, I'm proud to shop there. And Home Bargains, B&M... and other discount stores too.

There are certain things I can't compromise over... sorry, it does have to be Heinz. But nevertheless, I'm fairly sure I'm not a food snob. The downside is my budget buddies don't deliver, so I'd just like to say thanks to my husband for buying a car that helps me park x


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