#Justock Part I: When Julian met Josh. Andy. And Roger. And Nick and Rafa and Boris and Jim...

Julian loves tennis - always has and always will. We've a number of family traditions throughout the calendar year and tennis tournaments are in that list. Important matches are a treat, with our own eclectic "tennis breakfast" and the remotes placed reverently under daddy bear's control.

So when I began planning what is affectionately known as #Justock, tennis was a no-brainer.

We're members of Polo Farm Tennis Club, and thanks must go out to Sharon for helping me with the booking for the courts, and arranging use of the facilities there. We booked courts for Saturday afternoon, and the invitations went out.

Now, I love tennis and I "play" but I'm nowhere near Ju's standard, but we've some great friends who are. We were joined by Simon and his wife Izabela and their pooch Abby, who took time out from Izabela's own birthday celebrations to join us; ink-king and yummy-mummy-eye candy tennis coach Ben; and co-conspirator and secret-keeper Tomas.

When Julian arrived with Tomas for their 90 minutes of smashing balls at each other - strings are regularly broken and it's rare they need to come off the back line (they're good!) - Julian was more than a little surprised, but was looking forward to a round-robin mix in with some of the best players we know.

A few balls were exchanged at brutal speeds across the net (and in my case occasionally across all three courts - sorry Simon) and the boys broke from their ball thrashing for a brief respite. As I spoke to Julian through the fence, I saw his eyes drift and his attention wander (no, it's not as regular an occurrence as you might think). "That's Josh" he said, and indeed it was.

Impressionist and comedian Josh Berry has been on our Twitter radar for a while. On the off chance you don't know who I'm talking about, I'll give you an aide-memoire - he's the young lad from Reading who teased out Andy Murray's sense of humour with an unbelievably accurate impression of the Scottish tennis legend when Andy interviewed, well, Andy.

I'm not supposed to post the videos, which is such a shame, because we laughed - a lot. Julian slipped straight into corporate mode with an interview with Andy. The god that is Roger Federer joined before Nick Kyrgios, like, you know, um, took his, like, place. Rafa Nadal and his tics had us in fits and then Josh took to the courts to support Boris Becker, Jim Courier, and Novak Djokovic as they provided a brilliant commentary on the doubles match that took place between the boys. Even Kevin Bridges made an appearance.

So I can't share them with you, but you can see Josh's work for yourself here: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshBerryImpressions/videos or just Google him (other search engines exist).

Josh, you're a legend - thank you so much for your time, for joining us in Canterbury, and making Julian's birthday match epic. See you at the Fringe next year!


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